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  • What type of clients do you see?
    I have been formally trained to provide counselling and art therapy services to individuals from childhood through adulthood. I have specialized training in developmental psychology and trauma. Currently, I offer counselling and art therapy services to adult clients and children (ages 6 to 13) presenting a range of issues. I enjoy working with post-secondary students and those in the helping professions, such as nurses. I also have a special interest in providing services to individuals who experience anxiety, post-traumatic stress, burnout, and those who're recovering from abuse.
  • What is your background and training?
    I have completed formal training and gained supervised experience in general psychology, counselling, play therapy, and art therapy. I have experience counselling children, adults, and groups experiencing a wide range of mental health concerns. My main experience has been in treating anxiety and trauma in children and young adults. I also have experience conducting formal assessments and writing psychological reports. I have a background in advising students within a post-secondary setting; assisting new students in planning for their future program; and assisting students in crisis who require referral to community or government resources. I draw on my training and practical experience to deliver exceptional therapy services to clients 6 to 13 years old and 18+ at Yellowtree Therapy Services. To learn more about my background, education, and areas of speciality, please select The Therapist from the menu above.
  • What can I expect in my first session?
    Typically, in our first session, I'll ask you some questions to get to know you and your situation, and we’ll discuss what brings you in. We may also explore what approaches you find helpful (if you don’t know yet, that’s okay), and we’ll likely begin to discuss your goals for therapy. The first session will look different for different people. I believe in the importance of collaborating with my clients to create a safe space and a process that works for them. I feel it is important for clients to control the pace of their therapy so I tailor my approach to the individual. Please note that there is a different process for child therapy services. See the Child Therapy page for more information.
  • How often will my sessions be and how long are they?
    I work with clients in the initial sessions to determine how often we should meet and for how long. As we continue our work together, we may decide that more or less time is needed than we originally planned. Typical 1-hour therapy sessions last 50 minutes, with the final 10 minutes reserved for me to take notes and plan for future sessions. I also offer 90-minute sessions for adult clients who prefer to have a bit more time each session. Longer sessions can be especially helpful for clients who wish to devote more time to making art in session.
  • How can I prepare for my first session?
    It's common to feel nervous or anxious about starting therapy. Meeting someone or doing something for the first time brings a degree of uncertainty. Your brain and body want to protect and prepare you and sometimes this manifests as anxiety. Moreover, from the time you book your appointment (and probably before), you may be thinking more about the issues that are bringing you to therapy, which can be overwhelming. Below are some ideas of things you can do to prepare for your session and manage feelings of anxiety or nervousness. For child therapy, guardians may want to address the following with your child prior to their first appointment. • Acknowledge that feelings of increased anxiety or nervousness are your body’s natural way of preparing you for something new. • Engage in self-care activities that are calming for you. • Write down any questions you have for your therapist. • Write down three things you may want to explore or goals you might have for therapy. You don’t have to share these with anyone and they might change, but writing things down can help you feel more prepared. • Write down what you’re hopeful for or excited about. This can be as simple as “I am hopeful that there’s a good coffee shop close to my therapist’s office” or “I am excited to have someone to talk to." • Talk to someone you trust about how you're feeling. • Email me to book a 20-minute phone consultation, and you can ask any questions you have about the therapy process. There is no fee for this consultation.
  • What is the client portal?
    I use Jane practice management system to manage bookings, records, and payments. When you book an appointment, you'll be prompted to create a client portal where your information will be kept secure and where you can manage your appointments and payments, access online therapy, and more! To log into your portal, go to
  • Will you talk to anyone else about what we discuss in session?
    Prior to engaging in therapy, you will be asked to review and sign a consent form which outlines my obligations with respect to confidentiality (i.e. keeping information that you or your child shares with me private). As a provisional psychologist, I am required by the College of Alberta Psychologists to receive ongoing supervision for mental health services provided to clients. As such, I may share your information, including identifying information, with my supervisor(s) so I can provide optimal client care. Occasionally, I may consult with other professionals (e.g., art therapists, registered provisional psychologists, registered psychologists). In such cases, I will not share any identifying personal information about you and I'll limit information shared to that which is necessary to receive appropriate consultation (e.g., general information about the presenting issues). Please refer to your copy of the consent form and/or the Yellowtree Therapy Services Privacy page for more information on your privacy and the limits of confidentiality.
  • What if an issue comes up during therapy and I need another resource?
    Some clients attend therapy to work on one issue, such as test anxiety, and other issues arise during the process. Moreover, some clients may come to therapy without a clear sense of what they want to work on. That’s okay. Issues are multifaceted and often complex. I work with my clients to identify the issues they wish to address and we can develop goals together. If issues arise that are outside of my competency area, or if you think you would benefit from other health services, I will work with you to find resources and make referrals as needed.
  • How can I give feedback to the therapist?
    I invite my clients to share feedback with me directly. I believe a strong therapeutic relationship is essential for therapeutic progress. Honest and direct feedback from clients helps to build trust in the therapeutic relationship and helps me meet my clients’ individual needs. You are welcome to share feedback with me at any time. I may periodically request feedback from you during our work together, to ensure you're getting what you need. As a registered provisional psychologist, I am required to obtain supervision from a fully registered psychologist. If you have feedback that you would like to share with my primary supervisor directly, her contact information is below. Brooke Hendricks, Registered Psychologist #3618 Please note: When communicating with any health professional by email, you are consenting to associated email risks. Although every effort is taken to keep email confidential, email cannot be guaranteed to be secure, as rare breaches of privacy could potentially occur. Please consider carefully before emailing personally identifying or confidential information to any health professional.
  • What if I need or want to stop seeing my therapist permanently or temporarily?
    Clients terminate therapy for a variety of reasons: they’ve reached their goals, they’re looking for a different specialty or approach, they’re moving, etc. Seeking therapy is a personal choice and I encourage you to make the best choice for you. Whenever possible, I encourage you to let me know when you (or your child) are considering or have decided you want to terminate therapy. I understand this is not always possible, and that’s okay. Providing some advance notice helps me use the remaining time in a way that works best for you (or your child). We can also use final sessions to look back on progress and process any feelings that arise with the end of our time together. This can be a very empowering way to end therapy.
  • What precautions are you taking during the COVID-19 pandemic?
    Please visit the Health and Safety page for details on the precautions I'm taking to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 at this time.
  • What is the COVID-19 survey?
    Effective September 2023, clients are no longer required to complete Yellowtree Therapy Services' COVID-19 survey for in-person sessions. You will no longer receive the survey prior to your session. You and anyone accompanying you to an in-person session are encouraged to self-assess prior to your visit. Please see the Health and Safety page for details.
  • What is online therapy/telepsychology?
    The College of Alberta Psychologists refers to online therapy as telepsychology, and it is defined as "the provision of any psychological services within a professional relationship by a regulated member who is geographically distant from the service recipient, or unable to receive in-person services... modes of service delivery are typically through[etc.]" Online therapy (or telepsychology) is a lot like in-person therapy, except instead of meeting in-person to talk, we will talk over a secure video-chat or by telephone. It can be trickier to do art therapy over video-chat or phone, but we can work together to find a way to incorporate creativity and art into our sessions if you like.
  • How does it work?
    You book an Online Session through the Booking page. The default is an online therapy session via video-chat. You'll receive an email link to join the video-chat 30 minutes prior to your appointment time. The video chat will be held through the secure online practice management system, called Jane. Please review Jane's Guide for How to Join Your Online Appointment. If you wish to do our therapy session over telephone, please book an Online Session through the Booking page and send an email to to let me know you wish to do a telephone session instead. If you book an In-Person session and you need to change the appointment to a session held over video-chat or by phone, please email to let me know.
  • What do I need to know before my session?
    I will provide you with a document and/or review additional considerations you need to be aware of before starting your first therapy session over video-chat or phone. Here is a summary of some basic things to be aware of: - There's a greater chance for misunderstandings when using technology to communicate, as some visual and other cues (such as body language, tone, etc.) are limited or absent. All parties should seek clarification when misunderstandings arise. - We should periodically discuss whether the services are still appropriate, or whether you may gain greater benefit from in-person therapy. - We may experience difficulties with technology from time-to-time due to equipment failure, poor internet connection, etc. As a general rule, I cannot guarantee extended or alternate session time to accommodate these issues. - Although I take steps to ensure the security of information provided via telepsychology services by using secure services for our video-chat, I cannot guarantee that all information transmitted via the internet is secure. - It is important that you find a private space to talk in. Please do not attend online therapy from a public space, like a library or school, where others are present. Please also inform me if anyone else is in the room with you during your therapy session. - If a crisis or emergency occurs during a telepsychology session, I will refer you to resources that can help. If I believe you or someone else is in imminent danger, I am required to contact an appropriate third party (e.g. emergency department, etc.) and provide information at my discretion to ensure you and others are safe. For more details on the limits of confidentiality, which apply to in-person therapy and telepsychology, please refer to the Privacy page and/or your consent form.
  • What kind of equipment do I need?
    To engage in therapy sessions over video-chat, you will need a private space to talk and a computer or mobile device with a stable internet connection, a working webcam for video, and working speakers & mic for audio. You will also need to set up your client portal, which you'll be prompted to do when you book your first session. If you don't have the equipment required to attend a therapy session via video-chat or in person, please email me at and we can discuss whether a therapy session held over the phone is a better fit.
  • Where can I access online therapy or phone therapy from?
    As a registered member of the College of Alberta Psychologists, and no other province, I am only permitted to provide services to individuals in the province of Alberta. As such, you must be in Alberta at the time of our session to access my services. There are some exceptions to this rule, so if you you want to know more about receiving therapy services while you're outside of the province or country, please ask me ahead of time (i.e. before you leave the province/country).
  • Do you provide online child therapy services?
    Generally speaking, I prefer to do in-person sessions with children. It is often easier to keep the child's attention in-person and, given my focus on play and art therapy, we will have more options for how to use our time in-person. If I have been working with your child and online therapy is needed (e.g. your child is sick and can't come in person, but requires a session), then I'm willing to discuss doing online sessions with your child as an interim measure.
  • How does Art Therapy work?
    It can be helpful to incorporate art making into therapy sessions to promote creativity, express thoughts and emotions, and regulate emotions. Moreover, art making can be used to explore and process issues that are difficult to verbalize. You can choose if and when you would like to use the art materials in therapy. In session, I invite clients to use art materials when I think it could be therapeutically beneficial and I welcome clients to let me know when they feel like making art. Typically after the art activity is complete, we will take some time to reflect on the process and/or the art itself.
  • Do I need previous art experience to engage in Art Therapy?
    No. Engaging in Art Therapy as a client requires no previous art experience/training and the focus is not on the quality of the art. The focus is on what the process and the piece mean to you. As a trained art therapist, I can provide some structure and guidance in this process (e.g. I may ask questions to help you reflect on the process or art).
  • What kind of art materials will be available to me in therapy?
    I usually offer the following materials for clients’ use: paper, pens/pencils/pencil crayons, pastels, watercolour and tempera paint (or equivalent), collage, and various other craft materials. You are also welcome to bring your own materials, and we can discuss how we might incorporate these into your session.
  • What happens to the art I create in session?
    I ask that clients take their artwork with them at the end of the session. If clients do not take their artwork with them, I will properly dispose of it. With your permission, I will sometimes take photos of the artwork and keep it as part of your secure and confidential client file.
  • Where can I find more information on Art Therapy?
    For more information on Art Therapy, you can visit the Canadian Art Therapy Association’s website.
  • What issues can Art Therapy help with?
    Art Therapy can be used in combination with traditional talk therapy for a variety of issues. I often incorporate Art Therapy for clients who experience overwhelming emotions and anxiety, or to alleviate post-traumatic stress symptoms. Art Therapy is particularly useful for exploring issues that are difficult to talk about or that create overwhelming emotional distress. Creating art in a safe space with support from a professional therapist can have a regulating effect, helping to release stress and process emotions at a pace that works for you.
  • How do I pay? What types of payment do you take?
    In person: You can pay by debit, interac, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, G Pay, or a cheque made out to Yellowtree Therapy Services. Online: I can take debit via e-transfer to or you can make payments by credit card, G Pay, or Apple Pay through your client portal. Payment is required in full by the end of each session.
  • When do I pay?
    Payment is required in full and will be collected by the end of each session. You can also make payments through your client portal.
  • Do you direct bill to insurance providers?
    Direct billing to Alberta Blue Cross (including ASEBP) and Green Shield is available! Please confirm whether you are covered for psychology benefits from a Registered Provisional Psychologist and confirm your coverage before booking an appointment. Unfortunately, most other major insurance providers offer direct billing through Telus eClaims, which does not allow registered provisional psychologists to direct bill. You may still be covered, but you will have to make the payment directly to me and submit your claim to your insurance provider for reimbursement. After you make your payment, I will send you an invoice/receipt so you can make a claim through your insurance provider directly. Please call your insurance provider for details on coverage and claims. Note for those with coordination of benefits (i.e. two insurance plans), where Alberta Blue Cross is one of your plans: I can only direct bill to Alberta Blue Cross if they are your primary provider. If Alberta Blue Cross is your secondary provider, I can direct bill them only if you know the exact amount your primary plan will cover for your visit.
  • Who do I enter as the service provider on my insurance claim?
    Because I work as a provisional psychologist, you may need to provide my information and/or my supervisor’s information when you make your claim (see below). This information will be included on your invoice/receipt. You can contact your insurance provider for more details on how to make a claim. Evangeline Barrow (Provider): Registered Provisional Psychologist #3244p Brooke Hendricks (Supervisor): Registered Psychologist #3618
  • What is your cancellation/no-show policy?
    If you need to cancel or change your appointment, you must do so at least 24 hours ahead of your scheduled appointment time. If you cancel or change your appointment within 24 hours of the booked time, you will be charged a $70 late cancellation/no-show fee. If you have a credit card on file, that card will be used to process payment for any late cancellation/no-show fees at the time the fees are incurred. Please e-mail with questions about how to make late change/no-show fee payment, if you don't have a credit card on file.
  • What do you charge?
    You can check the Bookings page to see my current rates.
  • How do I know if my insurance covers psychology?
    Please contact your insurance provider. It is your responsibility to know how much you're covered for, including per session maximums. If I direct bill and any portion of the fee is not covered by your insurance, you are responsible for paying the outstanding balance directly to me. If you have a credit card on file, that card will be used to process the outstanding balance at the time the fees are incurred.
  • What is the best way to contact my therapist outside of our sessions?
    The best way to contact me is by email at I strive to return emails within 48 hours Monday-Friday. I do not regularly monitor my emails while I am away on vacation. Please note: I can answer general inquiries via email; however, if you have specific questions or issues related to therapy that require closer attention, I ask that we discuss those during scheduled bookings. When communicating with any health professional by email, you are consenting to associated email risks. Although every effort is taken to keep email confidential, email cannot be guaranteed to be secure, as rare breaches of privacy could potentially occur. Please consider carefully before emailing personally identifying or confidential information to any health professional.
  • What happens in the event of an unplanned emergency (e.g. my therapist is on an unexpected sick leave)?
    If I am away unexpectedly, my primary supervisor will take responsibility for managing my active client files. If you need to contact my supervisor directly, her contact information is below: Brooke Hendricks, Registered Psychologist #3618
  • What if I need to talk to someone and you’re not available?
    You are always welcome to book a session with an alternate therapist. Psychology Today offers a directory of many mental health professionals. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need immediate assistance, please contact Crisis Services Canada (CSC) at 1-833-456-4566. Their services are available 24/7/365. You can find other local resources and support on the CSC website. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911.
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Yellowtree Therapy Services acknowledges and respects that the land on which we work is Treaty territory and a traditional meeting ground and home for many Indigenous people.


Ritchie Professional Centre

9557 76 Ave NW

Edmonton, AB T6E 1Z9 

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